What’s In A Word? Five Steps to Maximizing Your Word of the Year!
What's in a word?: These seemingly thoughtless verbs that are often spat out of mouths without regard of consequence.
In anger: like an unskilled chemist we mix alphabets like potions and cast spells on our perceived oppressors. With phrases like, “You will never amount to anything”, or when you turn towards yourself and say stuff like, “Nothing good ever happens for me”
Beloved, didn’t you know that your words are spells? That’s why the formation of words joined together is called “spelling”.
So what’s in a word? Or better stated, what’s in your words? The proof can be seen all around you.
I’d like you to begin to take inventory of your internal dialogue. How are you allowing your words to serve or not serve you?
During this time of year, many have declared a word for the year. They post that word in places where they can see it often or share it on their social platforms. Believing that in twelve months time, this word would have somehow changed their life or at least had a significant impact. But it isn’t the declaring of the word only that holds the power, it’s the embodiment of that word.
Back in 2000 before I had a nervous breakdown, one thing that I remember saying, thinking, and dreaming about on a regular basis was how depressed I felt. Everywhere I turned it seemed to confirm this declaration to the point where I became it more. The unintended mantra went like this, because of this (insert disappointment) I am that. (insert negative word)
But then there was another set of words that seemed to drop in every now and again, and they were, “ I wasn’t born like this, I just have to find my way back”. These words were gifted to me by God, resonating from deep within my Spirit. And that year, the word “back” was the catalyst to everything changing, not just back to the way they were, but to a place I only could have dreamed of.
So going back to having a word for the year…
For many years I didn’t have one probably since about 2008, then in 2020 I felt called to employ one. It was “present”. And then again last year, “More”.
Whether you’ve decided to adopt a word for 2024 or not I‘ve listed a few things to consider to maximize its use:
Spend time meditating on what living on the other side of the word would be like. Relish in the thought of it to the point where you invoke the emotions associated with it as if it were already done. Thought fused with feeling becomes a subjective belief, and according to your belief or faith, let it be done unto you. Matthew 9:29.
Jot down a short list of specific actions (if any) that you can take that align with your word.
Tell at least one trusted person. This will keep you accountable to it.
Put it in places where you can see it often. This will remind you of it.
Repeat step one as often as possible.
By executing these actions, you will have added to your internal reservoir of positive traits that will have benefits far-reaching beyond one year. And who doesn’t want that?!
Good read? Share it with another resilience warrior and let’s start a revolution of resilient women showing up across the globe!
Your sister and resilience specialist,
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